🔎Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

Section 1:

  • Constables have the power to stop and search under reasonable cause. This legislation must be explained when doing a stop and search.

Section 8:

  • Constables have the power to enter and search a premises when granted by a warrant.

Section 17:

  • Constable have the power to enter a premises to arrest a suspect who may be found within the premises.

Section 18:

  • Constables have the power to enter a premises after an arrest to search for items and other things that may be involved with the offence or arrest.

Section 24:

  • Constables have the power to arrest an individual if they have committed a crime without the need of a warrant.

Section 28:

  • Constables are legally required to provide the cause of arrest when arresting a suspect or the grounds on which they are being arrested.

Section 32:

  • Constables have the power to search upon arrest. There may be other, more specific legislations for more specific searches such as regarding firearms.

Section 56:

  • The individual being placed under arrest has the right to inform someone, either a relative or friend who is concerened by welfare, that they have been placed under arrest.

Section 58:

  • Individuals have a right to seek legal advice, from someone such as a solicitor.

Section 60:

  • Law enforcement have the right to record interviews.

Section 117:

  • Constables have the power to use force. This is to be reasonable force, based on the occuring events.

Entire PACE act found here

Last updated