🛑Serious Crime Act 2015

Section 44 - Participation in the Activities of an Organised Crime Group:

  • This section makes it an offense to participate in the activities of an organized crime group, with the intent of assisting the group in committing serious offenses.

Section 45 - Encouraging or Assisting Crime:

  • Section 45 of the act addresses the offenses of encouraging or assisting the commission of a crime. This can apply to those who provide assistance or support to serious organized criminals.

Section 46 - Gangmasters Licensing:

  • The act also introduces provisions related to licensing and regulating gangmasters who may be involved in labor exploitation, which can be associated with serious organized crime.

Section 47 - Human Trafficking:

  • The act addresses the issue of human trafficking, which is often connected to serious organised criminal activities, such as modern slavery and forced labor.

Section 48 - Seizure of Cash:

  • This section provides law enforcement with powers to seize and restrain cash believed to be connected to serious organised crime.

Section 49 - Forfeiture of Money, Etc. Connected with Terrorism and Terrorist Financing:

  • This section deals with the forfeiture of money and assets linked to terrorism, which is often a form of serious organized crime.

Entire Act Found here

Last updated