Road Traffic Act 1988
Section 1 - Causing Death by Driving
This section makes it an offense to murder someone when driving a mechanically propelled vehicle.
Section 1A - Causing Serious Injury By Driving
This section outlines the fact that causing major harm through a mechanically propelled vehicle is an offense.
Section 2 - Dangerous Driving
This section outlines how driving in a manner that endangers others in a public place is an offense.
Section 12 - Motor Racing on Public Ways
This section makes it an offense to participate in a race or trial of speed between motor vehicles in public areas.
Section 14 - Seat Belts
This section outlines that it is required to have a seatbelt, with certain exemptions, in a motor vehicle. If not, it will be considered an offense.
Section 19 - Stopping on Verges or in Dangerous Positions
This section outlines it an offense to position your motor vehicle in a manner which endangers others. This can include of verges or curbs and even the middle of the road.
Section 34 - Use of Motor Vehicles Away From Roads
This section outlines how driving a motor vehicle off road, without the purpose of stopping is an offense. This only applies to public land.
Section 35 - Directions of Traffic and Pedestrians
This section outlines the offense of not following road signs as a driver. This can include yield, stop, no entry and lights. This also applies to pedestrian signs such as crossing a road without using a legal crossing.
Section 87 - Driving License
This section outlines that drivers, with some exceptions, must hold a legal license that permits the usage of certain vehicle classes. If not, it is considered an offense.
Section 134 - Insurance
This section outlines that it is an offense to drive a motor vehicle without the necessary third party documentation of insurance.
Section 163 - Stopping
A person driving a motor vehicle on a road must stop the vehicle on being required to do so by a constable in uniform.
Section 173 - Forgery of Documents
This section outlines that it is an offense to forge and use false documentation regarding motor vehicles. Examples include: License, Insurance and Proof of Ownership.
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